We help mission-driven organisations communicate their impact through engaging data stories.


Over 100 projects completed or ongoing

Since the creation of Parabole, we’ve collaborated with partners and clients in 14 different countries across the globe. We’ve designed infographics, reports and websites that visually amplify the impact of our partners’ work.

600+ professionals trained in data communication

One third of our time is dedicated to helping professionals upskill themselves in data storytelling. We teach narrative structures, information design, and presentations in our workshops—both in-person and online.

60% of international collaborations

Almost two thirds of our projects are with partners from outside France. We bring together the expertise of an international group of analysts, designers and developers to improve data storytelling practice across the globe.

Creating impact for your audience is always our priority.





We kick off all our projects with extensive background research. We meet with our partners to gather their goals, audience needs and data insights. We then craft an engaging storyline that serves as a foundation for design.



When the storyline is set, design work begins. We propose creative directions for clients to choose from and then begin the production process accordingly. Each design element goes through multiple rounds of feedback and iteration.



This is the finish line during which we add final touches to the designs and polish any remaining details. We also reflect on the project to see if we achieved its goals and discuss updates, maintenance and next steps.

Let’s work together.

Looking for a partner for your next data storytelling project? Reach out and we'll get back to you within 24 hours.

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